Welcome to the Lincoln Clinical Trials Blog Site


The Lincoln Clinical Trials Unit (LinCTU) was setup in 2020 at the University of Lincoln by the Community & Health Research Unit to support clinical trials. LinCTU is located in the newly established University of Lincoln Medical School and engages directly with the Medical School, the Lincoln International Institute for Rural Health (LIIRH), academic colleagues and the wider NHS community.

The international vision is to develop an identity which allows us to attract the type of trials and studies where we have particular strengths and expertise. The studies of particular interest to us are those investigating health and social care problems:

  • in under-researched rural settings to address health inequalities.
  • in communities of coastal populations.
  • with complex interventions including both quantitative and qualitative elements.
  • examining issues of inclusivity, diversity and de-colonisation.

If you have an idea, or wish to work with us, please see the How We Work pages.